Editing and Performing Early Modern Drama for the 21st Century – Biblography

Below is an initial, selected bibliography for the project, Editing and Performing Early Modern Drama for the 21st Century.

Modern Editions of Michaelmas Term

Thomas Middleton, Michaelmas Term, ed. Richard Levin (Edward Arnold, 1966).

Thomas Middleton, Michaelmas Term and A Trick To Catch the Old One, Edited ed. George R. Price. (Mouton 1976)

Thomas Middleton, A Mad World, My Masters and other comedies, ed. Michael Taylor (OUP, 1995)

Thomas Middleton, Michaelmas Term, ed. Gail Paster (MUP, 2000).

Thomas Middleton, Collected Works, ed. Gary Taylor, John Lavagnino and John Jowett (OUP, 2007)

Jacobean Theatre: Performance, Editing, Interpretation

Pascale Aebischer and Kathryn Prince (eds.), Performing Early Modern Drama Today (Cambridge University Press, 2011)

C. K. Ash, José A. Pérez Diez and Emma Smith (eds), ‘Special Issue: Reanimating Playbooks: Editing for Performance, Performance for Editing’. Shakespeare Bulletin 34 (2016):1.

Michael Cordner, ‘”Are We Being Theatrical Yet?”: Actors, Editors, and the Possibilities of Dialogue’, in Barbara Hodgdon and W. B. Worthen (eds), A Companion to Shakespeare and Performance, (Wiley Blackwell, 2005), 399-414.

Sarah Dustagheer, Oliver Jones and Eleanor Rycroft (eds), ‘Special Issue: (Re)constructed Spaces for Early Modern Drama: Research in Practice’. Shakespeare Bulletin 35 (2017): 2.

Suzanne Gossett (ed.), Thomas Middleton in Context (Cambridge University Press, 2011)

Jacqueline Jenkins and Julie Sanders (eds), Editing, performance, texts: new practices in medieval and early modern drama. (Palgrave Macmillan, 2014).

Harriet Phillips and Claire Loffman (eds), A Handbook of Editing Early Modern Texts. (Routledge, 2017).

Gary Taylor and John Lavagnino (eds), Thomas Middleton and Early Modern Textual Culture: A Companion to the Collected Works, (OUP, 2007)

Gary Taylor and Trish Thomas Henley (eds,), The Oxford Handbook of Thomas Middleton (OUP, 2012)

Henry S. Turner (ed.), Early Modern Theatricality (Oxford University Press, 2013)

Martin White, Renaissance Drama in Action: An Introduction to Aspects of Theatre Practice and Performance (Routledge, 1998)

Digital Scholarship and Early Modern Drama

Daniel Apollon, Claire Bélisle and Philippe Régnier (eds) Digital Critical Editions (University of Illinois Press, 2014)

David M. Berry and Anders Fagerjord, Digital Humanities: Knowledge and Critique in a Digital Age (Polity Press, 2017)

Hugh Craig and Brett Greatley-Hirsch, Style, Computers and Early Modern Drama: Beyond Authorship (Cambridge University Press, 2017)

Christie Carson and Peter Kirwan (eds.), Shakespeare and the Digital World: Redefining Scholarship and Practice (Cambridge University Press, 2014)

Thomas Dipiero and Devoney Looser (eds.), ‘Special Issue: The Digital Turn’, Journal for Early Modern Cultural Studies, 13 (2013): 4.

Matthew James Driscoll and Elena Pierazzo (eds.), Digital Scholarly Editing: Theories and Practices (Open Book Publishers, 2016)

Brett D. Hirsch and Hugh Craig (eds.), The Shakespearean International Yearbook: Volume 14: Special Section, Digital Shakespeares (Routledge, 2014)

Oliver Jones, ‘The Dutch Courtesan Online’, Shakespeare Bulletin, 33 (2015).

Jonathan P. Lamb, ‘Digital Resources for Early Modern Studies’, Studies in English Literature, 58 (2018), 445-472

Susan Schriebman  and Ray Siemens (eds.), A New Companion to Digital Humanities (Wiley-Blackwell, 2016)

Peter Robinson, ‘Some principles for making collaborative scholarly editions in digital form’, Digital Humanities Quarterly, 11 (2017): 2. http://www.digitalhumanities.org/dhq/vol/11/2/000293/000293.html

John Young, ‘Considering the scholarly edition in the digital age: a white paper on the Modern Language Association’s Committee on Scholarly Editions’ (2015), https://scholarlyeditions.mla.hcommons.org/ 2015/09/02/cse-white-paper/

Practice as Research

Ludivine Allegue Fuschini, (ed.), Practice-as-Research in Performance and Screen, (Palgrave Macmillan, 2009)

Estelle Barrett and Barbara Bolt (eds.), Practice as Research: Approaches to Creative Arts Enquiry (I. B. Tauris, 2010)

Baz Kershaw and Helen Nicholson (eds.), Research Methods in Theatre and Performance (Edinburgh University Press, 2010)

Robin Nelson, Practice as Research in the Arts: Principles, Protocols, Pedagogies, Resistances (Palgrave Macmillan, 2013)

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